How to rapidly produce expression vectors for SARS-CoV-2 spike variants using enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS) oligos

This webinar will provide an overview of enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS) and the core technology behind the SYNTAX System, the world’s first benchtop enzymatic DNA printer developed by DNA Script. The Pasteur Institute, an evaluation partner of the SYNTAX System, has leveraged EDS oligos for a variety of applications, including rRNA depletion, COVID research, and mutagenesis studies.

As an example of how oligos on demand can accelerate innovation, Dr. Steven Quistad will describe a recent project from the Pasteur Institute leveraging EDS oligos to support a pragmatic, iterative multi-site-directed mutagenesis approach for the production of plasmids for recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike variant expression.

Key learning objectives

  • Introduction to EDS and the SYNTAX System
  • Case study of how EDS and the SYNTAX accelerate innovation
  • Advantages of making on-demand DNA with enzymes

Who should attend

  • Genomic core facility managers
  • Anybody who has ever waited on DNA to arrive to start an experiment
  • Infectious disease researchers, virology researchers, and researchers who frequently perform mutagenesis experiments
  • Large-volume oligo users

