Improve laboratory efficiency with automated protein analysis

Parallel capillary electrophoresis is a powerful technique for automated protein analysis. The ProteoAnalyzer system is a novel instrument that uses this technique to overcome the limitations of traditional methods. It features 12 capillaries, validated reagents, and automated cleaning and rejuvenation after each run, enabling the user to obtain high-quality data for various protein sample types.

In this webinar, Dr. Kyle Luttgeharm, Product Manager and Dr. Gizem Bergdahl, Research Scientist, DAKO Denmark R&D & Manufacturing, will discuss how the ProteoAnalyzer system can transform protein analysis workflows.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand more about the ProteoAnalyzer
  • Learn how to improve the consistency of your protein analysis results
  • Explore how the ProteoAnalyzer can be used to analyze challenging sample types including total protein extracts and crude cell lysates

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who needs help to gain laboratory efficiency, free up technician time, and minimize delays due to ambiguous results leading to re-sample analysis.

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

