Improved LC-MS analysis of oligonucleotides with next-generation chromatography

Accelerated development of oligonucleotides for both therapeutic and diagnostic applications is driving a need for more precise and productive analytical testing of these molecules. One challenge is that oligonucleotides are susceptible to metal interactions that can negatively impact separations performance, reproducibility and sensitivity. To counter the variability caused by these metal interactions, analytical scientists routinely condition, or passivate their LC systems/columns to block sites of non-specific adsorption. While conditioning does improve performance and consistency, its effect wears off over time, so repeated conditioning is required to maintain consistent levels of performance.

In this webinar with Dr. Martin Gilar, Scientific Fellow in Waters R&D, you’ll see the impact metal interactions have on oligo analysis and learn how ACQUITY PREMIER Oligonucleotide BEH C18 columns with MaxPeak technology eliminate the need for column conditioning, improve separations performance and provide for greater LC-MS sensitivity and reproducibility.

Key learning objectives:

  • Learn how metal interactions with oligonucleotides negatively impact LC-MS performance, sensitivity and reproducibility.
  • Find out how conditioning improves chromatographic performance but can be a source of variability and carryover.
  • See the benefit of a new engineered surface technology that greatly reduces non-specific metal interactions, eliminates the need for column conditioning, and delivers improved separations performance as well as greater LC-MS sensitivity and reproducibility.

Who should attend?

  • Lab directors, managers and analytical scientists engaged in oligotherapeutic development, manufacturing, and QC.
  • Analytical scientists supporting development and GMP manufacturing of oligonucleotide primers and probes for PCR-based diagnostics and targeted next-generation sequencing.
  • Chromatographers performing quantitative LC-MS analyses for BioA and MetID looking to achieve better sensitivity.

