
Increasing CRISPR editing efficiency with novel guide RNA methods

Current CRISPR gene editing is hindered by off-target effects and low on-target efficiency. In this on-demand webinar, hear from Abcam's gene editing experts, Dr. Frank He and Dr. Yongwon Kwon, to discover how the optimization of guide RNA (gRNA) design offers a solution to improve the efficiency of CRISPR editing.

Join our speakers as they explore the challenges underlying effective gRNA design and the relevant tools needed to assist with this process, as well as discussing the recent data from Abcam's novel dual-guide-based method which can achieve close to 100% knock-out efficiency.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Gain an overview of novel strategies and recent technological advances in CRISPR/Cas gene editing.
  • Understand how improvements in gRNA design are increasing CRISPR knock-out efficiencies and explore the online platforms used for gRNA design.
  • Receive insight into Abcam's dual-guide-based method for greatly enhanced CRISPR knockout efficiency

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.
