Integrating top-down mass spectrometry and single-molecule sequencing for proteoform analysis

Given the numerous sources of protein variation, ranging from biological factors to sample preparation and instrument settings, there is a pressing need for next-generation analytical platforms capable of driving proteoform analysis with complete molecular precision.

In this webinar, Dr. Michael Caldwell, Scientific Officer at Northwestern Proteomics Center of Excellence, will explore top-down mass spectrometry (TD-MS) and Platinum®. Platinum is a benchtop instrument that provides single amino acid resolution of single protein molecules to characterize IL-6, including pyroglutamate (pE), a post-translational modification (PTM) produced via enzymatic and spontaneous cyclization of N-terminal glutamine (Q)/glutamate (E) residues.

Find out how TD-MS enables intact protein analysis, limiting formation of N-terminal Q/E (MS1). During MS2, analysis of daughter ions reveals modifications and artifactual formation. Platinum employs dye-labeled N-terminal amino acid recognizers that reveal primary structure and variants, and aminopeptidases that expose the next amino acid for recognition until the peptide is sequenced. TD-MS and Platinum detect not only functionally relevant regions of IL-6 primary structure, but also sites prone to pE formation.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how TD-MS and Next-Generation Protein SequencingTM can be used as complementary platforms for protein analysis
  • Find out more about bridging discovery and targeted protein analysis with different instruments and detection methods
  • Discover how TD-MS distinguishes native and artifactual proteoforms

Who should attend?

Protein specialists, mass spectrometrists, synthetic biologists, protein engineers, and technology innovators.

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Michael Caldwell, PhD
Michael Caldwell, PhD
Scientific Officer, Northwestern Proteomics Center of Excellence

Dr. Michael Caldwell is the Scientific Officer at the Proteomics Center of Excellence (PCE) at Northwestern University, a leading laboratory for proteoform characterization and top-down mass spectrometry. In this role, he oversees development and applications of top-down, bottom-up, and ‘next-generation’ technologies for proteoform characterization with the goal of unlocking the role of proteoforms in human health and disease and bringing about a ‘Human Genome Project for Proteins’ with proteoform precision.


Carrie Haslam
Carrie Haslam
Associate Editor, SelectScience

