
Large molecules get SLIM: High-Resolution Ion Mobility for simplifying complex large molecule characterization

How can High-Resolution Ion Mobility mass spectrometry (HRIM-MS) address the challenges of large molecule characterization?

In this webinar, Dr. Jim Arndt, from MOBILion, and Dr. Jeffrey Agar, Associate Professor at Barnett Institute Northeastern University, will discuss the benefits of HRIM-MS for enhancing structural characterization of large molecule therapeutics, while increasing throughput and reducing reliance on LC-based methods.

Specific focus will be given to how HRIM-MS provides more complete information on coeluting structural isomers, and emerging workflows associated with characterizing native proteins for formulations.

Learning objectives

  • Gain an understanding of HRIM-MS
  • Learn how HRIM-MS can augment biopharmaceutical characterization
  • Learn how HRIM-MS can provide a deeper understanding of underlying structural heterogeneity
  • Real applications of HRIM-MS in drug discovery

Who should attend?

Scientists interested in increasing throughput of large-molecule characterization assays, and those seeking more in-depth characterization of biotherapeutics for drug development and quality control.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.
