Level up your scale-up: Practical advice for scaling from analytical to preparative liquid chromatography

At the analytical scale, liquid chromatography (LC) is widely used by scientists to separate, quantify, and characterize components in mixtures. At the preparative scale, LC is primarily used to purify samples for further downstream analysis. The adoption of preparative LC into a workflow, with larger columns and instrumentation, can appear to be a daunting task. However, by following some fundamental guidelines and a little practical advice, it can be quite simple.

This webinar will outline the purification process and the steps for a successful purification. We will also discuss the considerations when establishing a purification laboratory, and how to identify and avoid common pitfalls during purification.

Please note that there are two available times for this webinar:

Session 1
Wednesday, March 16, at 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 10:00 EDT / 7:00 PDT

Session 2
Wednesday, March 16, at 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET / 13:00 EDT / 10:00 PDT

Key learning objectives

  • Become familiar with the analytical to preparative chromatography workflow
  • Learn strategies to efficiently develop methods for purification success
  • Know how to avoid or recover from common mistakes
  • Understand how to think like a purification scientist

Who should attend?

  • Analytical and medicinal chemists who want to learn more about purification or preparative LC, or regarding scale-up from analytical to preparative LC
  • Lab managers supporting purification labs
  • Scientists who are curious about incorporating purification into their laboratory workflow

