
Live-cell analysis of human neuron-glial cell co-cultures

The contribution of neuronal-glial cell, and particularly neuron-microglia, communication in the progression of neurodegenerative disease is attracting increasing attention in the research community. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic associations between multiple immune genes (e.g. TREM2, CD33) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), supporting a role for neuroinflammation in dementia. In addition, astrocytes are known to play a vital role in neuronal survival, synapse formation and network plasticity, and are increasingly viewed as important players in the pathophysiology of many CNS diseases.

Modulation of glial cell activity and/or neuron-glia communication represents an interesting therapeutic approach for a number of neurodegenerative/neuropsychiatric conditions. These complex pathways require robust model systems to enable testing and development of novel molecules.

There are a number of key differences between rodent and human glia, which likely impact the translation of findings from rodent systems. There is therefore a need for disease-relevant, fully human, predictive models to support preclinical development of new medicines targeting different areas of neurodegenerative disease.

In this webinar, the generation and characterization of fully human iPSC-derived ex vivo co-culture models at Talisman Therapeutics will be discussed, highlighting the utility and importance of such models to support preclinical drug discovery.

Who should attend?

  • Scientists and Researchers in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biopharma and academia.
