
Lowering NGS analysis cost at lightspeed

Advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies over the years have significantly decreased the cost of whole genome (WGS) and whole exome (WES) applications, such that they are considered the standard of care within multiple healthcare organizations. Arguably, the most significant NGS challenges lie within data analysis and interpretation. Various parameters such as sensitivity, specificity, cost and speed are critical for secondary analysis, while accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date content is required for reliable interpretation. These aspects are crucial, especially where rapid turnaround times are critical for improved health outcomes. There is no better example than the implementation of WES and WGS in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (NICU/PICU).

Join this webinar to learn about QIAGEN CLC LightSpeed, a secondary analysis software that dramatically reduces the cost and time it takes to analyze WES and WGS data and generate actionable insights.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how to process FASTQ files to obtain quality variant calls in minutes
  • Discover how LightSpeed can be used on existing laptops, desktops, servers, HPC or in the cloud
  • Learn how LightSpeed will reduce your cost without sacrificing quality
  • Explore how LightSpeed enables the fastest WES and WGS workflow from FASTQ to report

Who should attend?

Bioinformaticians, Geneticists, Lab managers, NGS technicians, researchers, and biologists

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Jemima Arnold
<p>Editorial Team,<br> SelectScience</p>
Leif Schauser
Leif Schauser
