Minimizing particulate contamination in single-use systems

Particulate contamination is an important consideration in ophthalmic applications, pharmaceutical production, and even more so in cell and gene therapy production and delivery. Every source of contamination must be considered in the biomanufacturing process, drug formulation, and drug delivery. One potential source of contamination is single-use systems (SUS) and components.

In this webinar, learn about the risks of potential contamination and how to monitor and mitigate these risks. Several key aspects of particle contamination control will be reviewed, including:

  • Technical and regulatory concerns
  • Clean manufacturing environment
  • Continuous testing

Key learning objectives

  • Understand regulatory expectation on visible and sub-visible particulates
  • Learn how to test for particulate contamination
  • Discover manufacturing practices to minimize particle contamination
  • Learn how to stay ahead of emerging regulations and standards

Who should attend?

  • Scientists and engineers working in biomanufacturing, cell therapy, gene therapy, SVP/LVP, and ophthalmic production
  • Validation and qualification experts
  • QA experts for single-use consumables
  • Single use systems and consumables manufacturers

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Joy Xiaohui Chen
Joy Xiaohui Chen
Blake Forman
Blake Forman
Content Creator, SelectScience
Mark Bumiller
Mark Bumiller

