Mobile phase optimization for oligonucleotide analytical methods by LC-MS

The use of alkylamine ion pairing reagents and perfluorinated alcohols in the analysis of oligonucleotides by LC-MS techniques has been the mainstay in characterization and quantitation methods for synthetic oligonucleotides for decades. Often, analytical chemists default to relatively high concentrations of both.

But what concentration of ion pairs do you need for optimal chromatographic performance? And, how much does perfluorinated alcohol concentration contribute to electrospray ionization efficiency?

In this webinar, we explore modulation of both mobile phase additives, including different alkylamine ion pair options outside of the commonly used triethylamine.

Key learning objectives

  • Determine experimental parameters to ensure proper experimental design during method development
  • Understand the role of mobile phase and column chemistry in LC-MS methods for oligonucleotides
  • Learn how to improve overall method robustness and sensitivity for oligonucleotide method development

Who should attend?

  • Analytical method developers looking to improve separation and method robustness for oligonucleotides
  • Bioanalytical scientists needing to improve method sensitivity
  • Anyone new to oligonucleotide characterization by LC-MS

