Modelling neurodevelopment | Investigating the impact of maternal immune activation on neurodevelopment using human stem cell models

Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived neurons are a must have tool for scientists working in research and drug discovery, they provide a physiologically relevant system to study neurological activity and disease. But it’s consistency, reliability and scalability that is lacking in commonly used hiPSC reprogramming methods.

A new class of cells have been developed using a next-generation reprogramming technology, opti-oxTM. opti-ox enables the deterministic induction of a new cell identity from hiPSCs, consistently, on a vast scale; resulting in mature, functional hiPSC-derived cells within days.

This webinar will showcase how this new class of reprogrammed cell enables researchers to study the development of the brain, as well as the origins of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in detail. With a focus on how hiPSC-derived cells have been used to study the influence of cytokines on neurodevelopment.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Various methods used to generate neuronal cultures from hiPSCs
  • How next-generation reprogramming technology can overcome the bottlenecks of traditional methods of cell generation to generate consistent, mature, functional glutamatergic neurons.
  • The impact of interferon gamma on the neurodevelopment of glutamatergic neurons.

Who Should Attend:

  • Researchers and scientists studying neurodevelopment
  • Those wanting to learn more about how hiPSC-derived cells are used within neuroscience research

