New insights into the mechanisms of action of anti-Abeta antibodies

This webinar will detail methods that have yielded new insights into the mechanisms of action of four clinical-stage anti-Abeta antibodies: aducanumab, gantenerumab, bapineuzumab, and solanezumab. Prof. Sara Linse, Professor of Physical Chemistry and Molecular Protein Science at Lund University, will describe how kinetic analyses were combined with binding measurements performed using microfluidic diffusional sizing (MDS) to quantify the influence of these antibodies on the aggregation kinetics and on the production of oligomeric aggregates. It was demonstrated that these effects were linked to the affinity and stoichiometry of each antibody for monomeric and fibrillar forms of Abeta. Our expert speaker will also discuss how these results reveal that, uniquely among these four antibodies, aducanumab dramatically reduces the flux of Abeta oligomers.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understanding the mechanisms of growth of amyloid species in Alzheimer's disease
  • How the kinetics and binding of modulators of these processes can be studied
  • The different mechanisms of action of the highlighted clinical-stage antibodies

Who should attend?

Life science researchers interested in antibodies, protein expression, quantification, and purification Researchers interested in immunology, clinical diagnostics, and neurology Biochemists or pharmaceutical researchers interested in biophysics, biologics, or biotechnology

