
NGS sample quality control: Advantages of automated next-generation sequencing library preparation and enrichment including sample QC

This webinar discusses the advantages of automating the most time-consuming phases of the NGS workflow, which benefit beginner and experienced NGS researchers in many ways. Automated liquid handling systems, like the Magnis NGS Prep system, can perform library preparation and target enrichment in a single run. In addition to the advantages of automation, sample QC is beneficial at various points in the workflow, such as incoming sample assessment, intermediate product testing during library prep, and final library checks that ensure successful sequencing data.

In this webinar, the speakers will illustrate the utility of an automated library preparation workflow including the Magnis NGS Prep system with the SureSelect XT HS assay and demonstrate how performing sample QC with the 4150 TapeStation system can help to deliver high-quality libraries.

Key learning objectives:

  • How automated sample preparation and target enrichment can streamline NGS workflows
  • An overview of validated SureSelect protocols for target enrichment using intact gDNA and FFPE-derived DNA as starting material
  • Explain which sample QC steps during the workflow ensure sequencing success and how they achieve this

Who should attend?

  • NGS and Genomics researchers
  • Molecular biologists
  • Core Lab managers and technicians
  • Sequencing lab managers and technicians
  • Cancer researchers
