NGS sample quality control: Solutions for special challenges in next-generation sequencing workflows

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a fundamental tool in molecular biology laboratories, essential for routine and complex sample analysis. This webinar explores the benefits of sample quality control for two specific NGS challenges that researchers may encounter:

Part one investigates heteroduplex molecules or “daisy chains.” Most NGS workflows include an amplification step to increase adapter-ligated DNA available for sequencing. Optimizing the amplification cycle number helps minimize daisy chain artifacts, which can interfere with accurate library quantification. We will discuss how to identify ‘daisy chains’ and provide recommendations to avoid them.

Part two discusses the importance of assessing the final read length of NGS libraries prior to downstream analysis in order to avoid sequencing through the insert past the adapter. Sample quality assessment using automated electrophoresis enables researchers to confirm or adjust libraries for optimal insert length prior to NGS, helping to decrease background noise and improve quality scores of the sequencing run.

Key learning objectives:

  • Exploring solutions for special challenges in NGS workflows
  • Optimizing amplification cycles for NGS library construction to minimize interfering heteroduplex constructs or "daisy chain" artefacts

Who should attend?

  • NGS and genomics researchers
  • Molecular biologists
  • Core Lab managers and technicians
  • Sequencing lab managers and technicians
  • Cancer researchers

