
Non-specific adsorption: Common causes, how it affects chromatographic results, and how to prevent it

Did you know, that non-specific adsorption (NSA) is a common cause of poor reproducibility, broad peak shapes and limited sensitivity? Have you ever had to include long column conditioning or passivation steps in your workflow to achieve your analytical results?

In this webinar, we will discuss the common causes of analyte loss and approaches that have been used to solve them, in addition to the consequences of those choices. We will also introduce a new family of technologies and columns that were developed specifically to solve these challenges by reducing analyte/surface interactions to give chromatographers more control over their separations.

Key learning objectives:

  • Learn how non-specific binding and adsorption impacts your analytical results
  • Explore the techniques that can be used to overcome adsorption and binding losses
  • Discover new technologies in columns and surfaces to reduce analyte loss due to uncontrolled binding
  • See application examples across a wide range of analyte types

Who should attend?

  • Scientists who struggle with long column conditioning and passivation times, poor reproducibility, sensitivity and peak shapes
  • Chromatographers working with oligonucleotides, peptides, TCA cycle metabolites and other small molecules
  • Analysts looking to ensure the best performance in their chromatographic separations by protecting against risk for reactive analytes without impacting other analytes
