
Novel methods for the development of stem cell-derived 2D and 3D models

Stem cells are an invaluable tool for generating multiple cell types from individual patients. However, the workflows associated with growing, differentiating, and CRISPR gene editing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in 2D and 3D culture are inefficient, low-throughput, costly, time-consuming, and manually labor-intensive.

Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived organoids are providing unprecedented access to study health and disease in human-specific model systems. For example, choroid plexus organoids are a convenient in vitro system for studying the brain’s blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier and the production of CSF, which can potentially reduce or supplement the use of animals in research.

In this webinar, STEMCELL's Dr. Erin Knock will describe how to culture and differentiate choroid plexus organoids derived from hPSCs, and how they can be applied to answer specific research questions.

Dr. Jessica Hartman will discuss improving workflows that span the breadth of iPSC biology, from reprogramming to monoclonal edited colony formation to 3D models for disease.

Key learning objectives

  • Explore the use of hPSC-derived models to study human health, development, and disease
  • Understand the differentiation and characterization of hPSC-derived choroid plexus organoids
  • Discover a protocol that helps to get to the desired clone quickly, with demonstrated savings of valuable reagents, media, and plastic

Who should attend?

  • Researchers working with stem cells

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Erin Knock
Erin Knock
Associate Director, Neural Biology, STEMCELL Technologies</p>
Jessica Hartman
Jessica Hartman
Senior Director of Product Applications Cell Microsystems
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant, SelectScience
