
Optimization of a single molecule fluorescence in <i>situ</i> hybridization assay (smFISH) for Drosophila A virus detection

The use of same-day enzymatic synthesis to quickly iterate through probe design to fine-tune sensitivity and specificity has been found to accelerate the optimization of smFISH assays and thus acts as a rapid and simple alternative to immunofluorescence. In this webinar, Dr. Steven Quistad, DNA Script, and Bailey Schmidt, DNA Script, will discuss a recent study carried out in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur using on-demand enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS) to accelerate the design-print-test-learn cycle required to optimize smFISH assays for the detection of viral RNA in the gut of Drosophila melanogaster.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand the basics of DNA synthesis (EDS) and the SYNTAX System
  • Understand how on-demand EDS probes printed on the SYNTAX System accelerates smFISH assay optimization
  • Understand how generating labeled probes with the SYNTAX System accelerates iteration
  • Discover the advantages of making on-demand DNA with enzymes

Who should attend?

  • Gene expression researchers
  • Genomics researchers
  • Anyone who performs FISH or smFISH assays
  • Anybody who has ever waited on DNA to arrive to start an experiment

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Rory Shadbolt
Rory Shadbolt
Publishing / Media, SelectScience
Bailey Schmidt
Bailey Schmidt
Senior Marketing Manager, DNA Script
Steven Quistad, Ph.D
Steven Quistad, Ph.D
Application Scientist, DNA Script
