Optimizing clone selection in cell line development

From gene cloning and initial clone selection through to final cell evaluation, the continual assessment of cell count and viability is important for determining the best growing and highest producing clones. This information can be used for monitoring proliferation rates, optimizing growth conditions and normalizing cell data for further studies. Traditional methods for measuring cell count and viability are often low throughput, time-consuming and lacking in linearity. Advanced flow cytometry provides a fast, accurate and reproducible solution for cell viability and density quantification, which is essential for efficient biologics development processes.

In this webinar, Daryl Cole, applications scientist, Sartorius, will present data on how the high-throughput iQue® Advanced Flow Cytometry platform can be effectively used for simultaneous and accurate evaluation of cell count and viability.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand how to achieve reproducible, quantitative analysis of cell count and viability
  • Discover how to reduce sample preparation time with a simplified workflow
  • Learn how to relieve clone selection bottlenecks with rapid and simultaneous evaluation of IgG titer, specific productivity and cell health

Who should attend?

  • Cell line development engineers
  • Drug developers
  • Analytical scientists
  • R&D scientists
  • Working in biotherapeutic discovery and development
  • Working in antibody discovery and development

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Daryl Cole
Daryl Cole
Lawrence Howes
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant, SelectScience

