Particle Finder™: The best tool for microplastic and nanoplastic investigation

In this webinar, explore how Raman microscopy can be used to identify and characterize microplastics and nanoplastic samples through examples such as hand sanitizer. Plus, gain an overview of the latest HORIBA Scientific solution software: Particle Finder™.

Particle Finder has been developed to fulfil all possible requirements in the particle analysis field: Particle identification and selection with adapted segmentation algorithms, fast acquisition including randomization and survey scans, comprehensive analysis, statistics and reports, routine measurements for multi-sample analysis and much more.

Key learning objectives

  • Gain insights into microplastics and nanoplastics analysis
  • Learn the advantages of Raman microscopy and its capability to use this technique for microplastic analysis
  • Learn and understand the new Particle Finder™ software solution

Who should attend?

  • Researchers interested in microplastic and nanoplastic analysis and software solutions

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Massimiliano Rocchia
Massimiliano Rocchia
Ludivine Fromentoux
Ludivine Fromentoux
Ellie Abbott
Ellie Abbott
Biochemist, SelectScience

