
Performing CRISPR-based genome editing using Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) oligos printed on the SYNTAX System

This webinar will provide an overview of Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) and the core technology behind the SYNTAX System, the world’s first benchtop enzymatic DNA printer developed by DNA Script.

DNA Script’s R&D team as well as external partners have tested EDS oligos in a variety of molecular, and cell biology applications, including CRISPR-based genome editing. Apart from direct chemical RNA synthesis, there are mainly two methods available to produce guide RNA and achieve CRISPR editing: IVT-based sgRNA synthesis and vector-based sgRNA synthesis. Dr. Benoit Derrien, Ph.D will describe two examples of how effective sgRNA have been produced from EDS oligos using either of those methods.

All registrants will also receive a link to the recording.

Key learning objectives

  • Introduction to EDS and the SYNTAX System
  • Case study of how EDS and the SYNTAX System accelerate generation of CRISPR gRNA
  • Examples of how generating CRISPR gRNA with the SYNTAX System accelerates iteration
  • Advantages of making on-demand DNA and CRISPR gRNA with enzymes

Who should attend?

  • Anyone performing CRISPR-based genome editing
  • Functional genomics researchers, genetic engineers, cell engineers, gene expression researchers, and molecular biologists
  • Anybody who has ever waited on DNA to arrive to start an experiment
  • Genomic core facility managers

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Benoit Derrien
Benoit Derrien
Application Team Lead, DNA Script
Rory Shadbolt
Rory Shadbolt
Publishing / Media, SelectScience
Bailey Schmidt
Bailey Schmidt
Senior Marketing Manager, DNA Script
