Production of therapeutic proteins: Aspects to consider when choosing an expression system

In this webinar, Dr. Rodrigo Ribeiro, from the Eppendorf Group, will discuss the classes of therapeutic proteins, the different protein expression systems available, and aspects to consider when selecting an optimal expression system. He will focus on two of the most traditional platforms for the production of biopharmaceuticals, E.coli and mammalian cells.

Attendees of this webinar will learn:

  • A functional classification of therapeutic proteins
  • How to select the most appropriate protein expression systems
  • Tips and tricks to overcome common challenges associated with bacterial and mammalian protein expression platforms

Who should attend?

  • Scientists working with recombinant protein expression
  • Experienced scientists looking for tips and tricks to improve their processes


Rodrigo Ribeiro
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Marketing Manager, Eppendorf
Rory Shadbolt
Rory Shadbolt
Publishing / Media, SelectScience

