qPCR gene expression: Practical “must dos” for success in the lab

Attend this webinar and instrument demonstration to get practical tips that determine a successful outcome for your qPCR gene expression study. Hear from qPCR application specialists on how to make your gene expression qPCR experiment robust, to drive to your insights with confidence.

Key learning objectives

  • Revisit the basics of qPCR gene expression.
  • Understand relative quantification and controls for a successful outcome.
  • Learn how to achieve concordance from screening to verification phases.
  • Discover how to perform easy experiment control and result interpretation with the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Real- Time System

Who should attend?

Researchers using RNA samples to uncover biomarkers involved in disease triggers and function, response to treatment, or drug and therapy research development from screening to verification.

Universities (PI and PhD students), hospital research labs, and researchers working in biotech and pharma companies.

