Quantifying Soy DNA extracts for downstream GMO detection
Current legislation for regulating genetically modified organism (GMO)-based products varies between countries, indicating the need for worldwide, reliable real-time PCR testing procedures. To ensure a successful and reliable qPCR reaction, isolated nucleic acid must be pure and added to the reaction in specific quantities. The Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ Eight Spectrophotometer qualifies and quantifies eight nucleic acid samples simultaneously, improving productivity for high-throughput qPCR testing laboratories.
This webinar will provide an overview of GMO detection via qPCR and highlight the NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer in ensuring a successful reaction
Key learning objectives
- Review the background of GMOs
- Explore how to accelerate the testing of GMOs through real-time PCR
- Discover how to ensure PCR success with the NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer
Who should attend?
- Analytical or GMO laboratory technicians and managers
- Plant biologists
- Food scientists
Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.