Ramp up SARS-CoV-2 testing with smart sample preparation solutions

High-quality extracted nucleic acids are key for all downstream genomics processes, especially NGS sample prep and qPCR. The high testing demand during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a global shortage of consumables and demonstrated that smart solutions are needed for high-throughput nucleic acid extractions.

Join us to hear from Dr. Beatrice Marg-Haufe how Tecan’s Resolvex A200® can be implemented quickly to significantly increase throughput for labor-intensive extraction procedures and how it’s an alternate, cost-effective solution for sample preparation using filter plates and positive pressure technology.

Key learning objectives:

  • Knowledge of the Nucleic acid purification (NAP) workflow
  • Alternative solutions to magnetic bead based extraction workflows
  • A cost-effective way to improve output

Who should attend?

  • Lab Scientist running PCR tests
  • Lab scientists running nucleic acid extractions
  • Lab directors
  • Hospital scientists
  • Government health authorities
  • Academic labs

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary for continuing education purposes.

This webinar is part of our COVID Themed Webinar Week Series

