Revolutionize drug discovery with high throughput mass spectrometry and automated pipetting

Analytik Jena and Bruker have collaborated to bridge the gap between mass spectrometry’s powerful, label-free detection capabilities and modular automated uHTS sample preparation.

Join Dr. Christian Klinner, Analytik Jena, Arndt Asperger, Bruker Daltonics and Amanda Weaver, Biodesix, and as they discuss how the CyBio Well Vario pipetting device by Analytik Jena enhances MALDI spotting and sample optimization, seamlessly integrating with Bruker MS solutions to overcome application-specific bottlenecks.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how to increase your MALDI throughput, MALDI spotting of 1536 samples in <10 minutes
  • Discover how to successfully overcome hardware, software and labware challenges
  • Gain insights into a walk away automation solution for MALDI-TOF-MS

Who should attend?

Users looking to automate their MALDI-TOF sample prep

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Christian Klinner, PhD
Christian Klinner, PhD
Application specialist for the liquid handling & automation, Business Segment – Life Science Solution, Analytik JenaGmbH+Co. KG

Dr. Christian Klinner received his PhD in Natural Sciences from the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena. He joined Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG in 2017, and is responsible for the applicative support for the liquid handling devices in the business segment life science solution.

Arndt Asperger, PhD
Arndt Asperger, PhD
Senior applications scientist, Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Arndt Asperger is a senior applications scientist at Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, Germany. He is an analytical chemist by training, and received his PhD from Leipzig University. Asperger joined Bruker in 2002 and has been working in various positions related to MALDI-MS applications and applications development.

Amanda Weaver
Amanda Weaver
Senior scientist in applied research and technology , Biodesix

Amanda Weaver is a senior scientist in the applied research and technology group in the Biodesix corporate laboratory in Colorado. Her training has been focused in the regulated laboratory on automation, new methods evaluation, tests and assays developed on the MALDI-ToF and QQQ mass spectrometers, ddPCR, and NGS platforms. Currently, her key responsibilities are in early technology assessment and assay feasibility, verification, and validation, as well as external collaborator projects.


Charlie Carter
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor, SelectScience

