Simplify your life in the lab: Explore the power of Precellys for your DNA and RNA workflows

Molecular biology assays are among the most important tools of modern biologists. For most techniques, the overall success of the workflow is greatly impacted by the various sample preparation steps. Obtaining adequate quantity and acceptable quality of nucleic acids from the sample is highly dependent on the efficiency of homogenization.

Common pitfalls of nucleic acid extraction include RNA degradation, low yield, and low purity. Furthermore, some challenging samples have properties that require special treatments. For example, animal tissues contain endogenous RNAase that must be inactivated immediately after harvesting to prevent RNA degradation. Plant and fecal samples can contain inhibitors (e.g., humic acids and polyphenolics) that can co-precipitate with RNA and affect downstream analysis.In this webinar, experts from Bertin Technologies will present a complete solution to make DNA and RNA isolation easy, including the new Precellys 24 Touch homogenizer and Precellys extraction kits.

Key learning objectives:

  • Discover tips and tricks to homogenization protocol
  • Learn how to obtain high-quality nucleic acids
  • Explore the advantages of the 3D-bead-beating technology
  • Understand the advantages of the Precellys complete solution for DNA and RNA extraction (new Precellys homogenizer + new extraction kits presentation)

Who should attend?

  • Technicians, graduated students and postdocs interested in sample preparations
  • Molecular biology platforms technicians
  • Research lead scientists and principle scientists looking for molecular analysis improvement
  • Service providers

