
Spatial proteomics in three-dimensional intact specimens

A novel spatial technique, DISCO-MS, combines whole-organ/whole-organism clearing and imaging, deep-learning-based image analysis, robotic tissue extraction, and ultra-high-sensitivity mass spectrometry with the Bruker timsTOF instrument family. This combination enables DISCO-MS to perform unbiased proteome analysis of preclinical and clinical tissues from quantity-limited materials after unbiased imaging of entire specimens in 3D.

In this webinar, you will learn about a new experimental approach that combines whole tissue clearing, dia-PASEF®, and trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) mass spectrometry to analyze the spatial proteome of complex tissue structures. The webinar will detail how with this technique, researchers were able to:

  • Analyze the proteome of preclinical and clinical tissues after identification of regions of interest using 3D imaging, followed by robotic tissue extraction
  • Achieve early unbiased detection and characterization of subtle tissue perturbations across pathologies
  • Benefit from the use of ultra-high sensitivity and robust timsTOF mass spectrometers

Key learning objectives

  • Discover the new experimental approach that combines whole tissue clearing, dia-PASEF®, and TIMS mass spectrometers can be used to analyze the spatial proteome of complex tissue structures
  • Understand how researchers were able to analyze the proteome of specific tissue regions following 3D imaging to enable robotic tissue extraction
  • Learn about the unparalleled sensitivity and robustness the timsTOF platform offers with 4D-Proteomics™ which enables researchers to delve deeper into proteome analysis and gain greater insights

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Harsharan Singh Bhatia
Harsharan Singh Bhatia
Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM)
Jemima Arnold
<p>Editorial Team,<br> SelectScience</p>
