Substitution of hazardous substances: Top tips to minimizing exposure and complying with legislation

Substitution is a way to minimize exposure to hazardous substances by replacing them with safer alternatives. It is at the top of the STOP hierarchy of control measures and an essential starting point in every risk assessment. In particular, carcinogens and mutagens should be substituted to minimize risk.

In this webinar, Dr. Birgit Stöffler, Safety Specialist at Merck, will discuss how to carry out a legally compliant substitution check. Stöffler will explain using examples: What to look out for? Which mistakes can be avoided? What to do if no substitution is possible?

Key learning objectives

  • Learn about what legislation demands regarding substitution of hazardous substances
  • Understand the advantages and limitations of substitution
  • Find out how to use tools like the “GHS Column Model” and the “vapor hazard ratio”
  • Understand the term “regrettable substitution”

Who should attend?

  • Health and safety managers
  • Chemistry and biochemistry graduate and undergraduate students
  • Scientists/employees working with hazardous substances
  • Research associates/Lab technicians
  • Lab managers/department or operation managers (having workplaces with exposure to hazardous substances)

