Super-charge your method development with a quick, easy, universally compatible LC and LC/MS method

LC and LC/MS method developers across industries need to create fast, reproducible, and easily transferable methods. Formic acid is an ideal mobile phase modifier, creating quick, easy, and highly reproducible conditions for LC analyses and allowing highly transferable methods across LC detectors. This includes its exceptional compatibility and improved sensitivity with LC/MS detection. However, traditional LC columns have struggled to produce results with formic acid for basic compounds, resulting in additional method development and often the use of less desirable mobile phase additives.

In this webinar, Scott Bollen, business development manager EMEA at Agilent, demonstrates how you can achieve enhanced performance for basic analytes under weak ionic strength mobile phase conditions, such as formic acid. Scott also outlines a new method development tool: a unique C18 bonded phase chemistry with a charged surface on 2.7 µm superficially porous particles.

This new stationary phase, applied to 2.7 µm superficially porous particles, creates a remarkably flexible LC column that can be used across many instruments and detector platforms with a simple formic acid mobile phase, allowing effortless transfer between laboratories with varying instrumentation.

Key learning objectives:

  • Create a flexible and universally compatible LC and LC/MS method using a novel superficially porous particle column with a simple formic acid mobile phase.
  • The pros and cons of using formic acid, as well as tips and tricks to ensure a robust method with excellent performance, especially for basic analytes.
  • How to save time and money when scaling and transferring your new universal method, by avoiding additional method development due to different instrument requirements.

Who should attend

Anyone in a laboratory wanting to learn more regarding new column orthogonality and method development.

