Sustainable practices in the life science industry: A panel discussion on decision making and initiatives

As the need for sustainability increases in the global marketplace, the life science industry is faced with the challenge of implementing environmentally conscious practices in their labs and research processes. This panel discussion will bring together researchers in the life science business to shed light on how sustainability impacts their decision-making processes, product selection, and overall initiatives for a more sustainable future.

The panelists will share their experiences and insights on:

  • Sustainability goals and targets
  • How they incorporate sustainability into their everyday operations
  • Their criteria when selecting consumables, equipment and protocols for their lab work
  • Challenges faced in implementing sustainable practices
  • The innovative solutions developed to overcome these obstacles.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how to incorporate sustainability into everyday operations
  • Explore the challenges faced when implementing sustainable practices
  • Discover innovative solutions developed to overcome these obstacles

Who should attend?

  • Life science researchers from academia and industry
  • Laboratory managers
  • Procurement/category managers
  • Sustainability professionals interested in the life science business
  • HSE/Sustainability officers

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Richard Byrne PhD (UK)
Richard Byrne PhD (UK)
Science Support Manager, The Francis Crick Institute

Dr. Richard Byrne is a Science Support Manager whose team of technical managers oversee operations at the Francis Crick Institute. His role covers a variety of lab operational measures, including cold storage and sustainability initiatives. Prior to this, he was a post-doctoral researcher at Cancer Research UK and The Babraham Institute working on lipid related research projects in a multi-disciplinary environment.

Steve Vitale (US)
Steve Vitale (US)
Green Lab Program Manager, GSK

Steve Vitale is the Green Lab Program Manager for GSK and is driving their My Green Lab programs globally. He is actively investigating technologies, products, and organizations with similar environmental goals to further drive a sustainable scientific community. His passions are around a circular economy and waste minimization in addition to collaborations to drive a sustainable Life Science industry for the future.

Dulan Liyanage (IRE)
Dulan Liyanage (IRE)
Market Development Representative, myGreenLab

Motivated by change and innovation, Dulan Liyanage’s engineering career has led him through various roles in industrial manufacturing to representing the industry on the GAMBICA Young Council. As a materials scientist by degree, Dulan has previously worked in academic labs. Through customer service, sales, and lab experience and a passion for sustainability, his experience allows him to efficiently reach out to inbound leads, deal with pitches and develop new business.

Enrico Jakobi (DE)
Enrico Jakobi (DE)
Head of Global Sustainability & HSE, Eppendorf SE

Enrico Jakobi is the Head of Global Sustainability & HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) at Eppendorf Group. With extensive experience, he has been instrumental in developing and integrating comprehensive sustainability strategies, focusing on decarbonization, resource management, and human rights. His work in sustainability reporting and ISO 14001 certification underscores his commitment to environmental responsibility.


Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Associate Editor, SelectScience

