T cell characterization combining advanced flow cytometry with live-cell analysis

Harnessing the power of the immune system using therapeutic drugs has enabled a huge advancement in the fight against cancer. T cells are the focus of this immuno-oncology field, as they can be selectively activated by therapies, causing them to seek out and destroy diseased cells.

In vitro models can enable a deeper understanding of T cell biology. Knowledge of the intricacies of this immune sub-population function may be used to facilitate predictions of the effectiveness of therapeutics for patients. Therefore, in vitro models can promote more efficient and faster drug development.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • How advanced flow cytometry can be used to link T cell function to marker expression and cytokine release
  • The characterization of bispecific antibodies to reveal mechanistic insights to actions on T cell activation, killing, exhaustion, and memory sub-populations
  • How live-cell analysis can complement advanced flow cytometry to provide additional insights into T cell function

Who should attend?

Cell biology researchers in pharma, biopharma, and academia.

