Take back your time with hands-free, benchtop buffer exchange on Unagi

The problem

Buffer exchange and concentration of biologics and gene therapy samples take up a ton of your focus and valuable time, even if you’re dealing with just a few samples. Hitting exact exchange and concentration targets is always a struggle, with additional tweaking taking even more time.

The solution

Unagi is the first completely hands-free benchtop buffer exchange solution that brings together all the critical yet painful steps it takes to exchange buffers or concentrate your samples. Set up your exchange or concentration runs in minutes for up to 8 samples with starting volumes from 0.5 to 8 mL. Unagi’s easy-to-use software gives you loads of process control, so you hit your exchange and concentration targets for proteins, mAbs, nucleic acids, and AAVs every time — with greater or equal to 96% recovery.

The proof

See how simple it is to set up a buffer exchange or concentration run for your biologics and gene therapy samples on Unagi. We will walk through an example of how Unagi serves up accurate and consistent buffer exchanges for mAbs and proteins.

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