Taking your first steps towards automation: Simple, intuitive, and affordable liquid handling

Associated with numerous benefits, automated liquid handlers are increasingly adopted in R&D laboratories to simplify the creation of complex multi-parameter experiments in a reproducible, reliable and robust manner, while freeing highly trained scientists from manual lab work to focus on more skilled tasks such as the analysis of data and planning of experiments.

Join this expert webinar to learn about:

  • Applications and liquid handling tasks that benefit from automation
  • How to select a liquid handler for your application or research area
  • The benefits of automation beyond throughput
  • Why automation is no longer the reserve of high throughput screening alone

You’ll also be introduced to SPT Labtech’s new apricot S-series and personal pipettor instruments, and hear about key benefits such as:

  • Ease of use
  • Versatility to address a wide range of everyday liquid handling tasks
  • Throughput vs. manual/multichannel pipetting
  • Affordability and accessibility for all laboratories


Ellen Simms
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor, SelectScience
Anne Hammerstein
Anne Hammerstein
Product Manager, Product Manager, SPT Labtech

