The art of obtaining a high yield of cell-free DNA from urine

Although urine is becoming increasingly important in the liquid biopsy field, the detection of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in urine samples remains a challenge.

Using more tumor material to increase the sensitivity is often compromised by the degradation of cfDNA and/or the contamination with genomic DNA derived from healthy cells. Hence, the optimization of pre-analytical conditions, especially in urine samples, is essential in order to obtain samples with a high cfDNA quality and yield.

Elien Augustus from the University of Antwerp investigated several pre-analytical conditions in order to establish good practice guidelines. Urine samples from healthy volunteers and cancer patients were collected and processed differently according to specific pre-analytical conditions.

In this webinar, Augustus will demonstrate findings from this research, noting the variation of cfDNA content within one urine sample, the most optimal time point for urine collection, the effect of use of preservatives, and the most appropriate centrifugation protocol.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Overcome the challenges that occur when working with urine samples
  • Learn tips and tricks regarding the pre-analytical conditions in urine samples

Who Should Attend

Researchers and clinicians interested in the diagnostic potential of urine, pre-analytical variation of urine samples, or the study of cell-free DNA in urine.

CEU credits

Attendees of this webinar are entitled to P.A.C.E. credits from the ASCLS and/or ACCENT credits from the AACC.

