Unraveling Platelet Phenotype and Function with Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry

Platelets are small multifunctional blood cells that play key roles in hemostasis, immunity, and inflammation. Platelet phenotyping is common in cardiovascular research and helpful in clinical settings, as platelet glycoprotein levels can decide the efficacy of antiplatelet agents and inform the diagnosis of inherited and acquired bleeding disorders. Full spectrum flow cytometry offers distinct advantages over standard tests of platelet phenotype and function and enables the sensitive and simultaneous detection of multiple platelet biomarkers. A typical assay provides an abundance of information on in vivo platelet activation and in vitro reactivity, and allows the discovery of novel phenotypes.

Key topics discussed in this webinar will include:

  • Best practices for panel design and antibody/reagent optimization
  • Assessing panel performance, sample stability, and reproducibility
  • Identification and labeling of platelet subsets by machine learning
  • Application of full spectrum flow cytometry to identify novel platelet subsets in adult peripheral blood vs. cord blood

Who should attend?

  • Those with an interest in basic and/or clinical studies of platelet phenotype and function
  • Those with a general interest in the development and optimization of flow cytometry assays
  • Anyone interested in flow cytometry fundamentals

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

For research use only. Not intended for use in diagnostic procedures.


Benjamin Spurgeon
Benjamin Spurgeon
Lawrence Howes
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant, SelectScience

