Using nitrogen as a GC-MS carrier gas: Opportunities to eliminate reliance on helium

During this webinar, an expert panel will discuss the historical events that have resulted in the consolidation of the use of helium as the GC carrier gas of choice, and how those events may no longer apply to modern instrumentation. The panelists will discuss the benefits of migration to alternative carrier gases, including hydrogen and, more importantly, nitrogen, so that GC and GC-MS laboratories can eliminate their reliance on helium. Due to the cost of helium and increasing supply limitations, this topic is especially relevant, as some have estimated that helium may no longer be available for use in the chromatographic market within a relatively short space of time.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn about how the consolidation to helium as the GC carrier gas of choice has come about
  • Understand why helium reliance may cause a significant impact on the analytical testing market
  • Discover how GC-MS methodologies can be adapted to use nitrogen as a carrier gas, without sacrificing analytical performance
  • Understand why hydrogen may not be the best alternative to helium, in terms of GC carrier gas

Who should attend?

  • Laboratory analysts
  • Laboratory managers
  • Laboratory directors

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Frank Dorman
Frank Dorman
<p>Dartmouth College and Waters Corp</p>
Jaap de Zeeuw
Jaap de Zeeuw
Chris English
Chris English
Restek Corporation
Blake Forman
Blake Forman
Content Creator, SelectScience

