Utilizing new and unique GC column selectivities for optimal separation of dioxins, PCBs, and PAHs in environmental and food matrices

Modern regulations put emphasis on analytical methods that are capable of separating critical analyte pairs for identification and quantitation. To meet experimental separation goals and exceed regulatory requirements, new gas chromatography (GC) column selectivities are now essential. In this webinar, Dr. Ramkumar Dhandapani will explore advances in GC column selectivity and provide method development tips to help solve challenging chromatographic problems. A variety of important and popular analytical methods will be explored for environmental and food applications, including:

  • Fast, single-column separation of dioxins, substituted furans, and PCBs
  • Fast analysis of PAHs and PCBs using unique GC column selectivity
  • Lifetime evaluation with challenging matrix extending column lifetime

Key learning objectives:

  • Learn about new GC solutions for environmental and food testing of persistent organic pollutant (POPs)
  • Learn how to utilize novel GC column selectivities during method development
  • Evaluate new GC column selectivities to test for dioxins, PAHs, and semi-volatiles by GC-MS

Who should attend?

  • GC and GC-MS method development scientists that are interested in optimizing POP methods
  • Scientists in environmental and food testing labs that are looking to increase the performance and productivity of their GC analytical methods
  • Chromatographers who are looking to improve their current PAH, PCB, dioxin GC methods with an alternative column or technique for faster and more effective separation

