SelectScience InterviewsDrug Discovery & Development

Is your *in vitro* toolbox as cutting edge as your portfolio of drug modalities?

9 Mar 2023
Is your *in vitro* toolbox as cutting edge as your portfolio of drug modalities?

In this presentation, find out how organ-on-a-chip (OOC) technology can provide robust and reproducible data that is predictive of the human response. Explore insights from the marketplace as CN Bio CEO, Paul Brooks, details what the market wants, how OOC technology is currently being used in the drug discovery pipeline, and how to address the current challenges of implementing OOC into your workflows.

Plus, Anthony Berger, Field Application Scientist at CN Bio, describes the rapidly changing field of drug modalities and introduces the portfolio of PhysioMimix™ OOC Microphysiological Systems and its applications in drug discovery. Audrey Dubourg, PhysioMimix™ Product Manager, provides further insight into the system and hints at the exciting future developments within CN Bio in this field.

This talk was presented at SLAS2023.

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