100% Network Connected Data System Regardless Of Instrumentation.

18 Jul 2006

Lancaster Laboratories have a large network of chromatography instrumentation in their facility, and have ambitious plans to extend their capabilities even further. The planned system will extend over 60 instruments operated by over 20 technicians.

The traditional approach to chromatography data acquisition is to hardwire analog to digital conversion interfaces directly to each detector on the chromatographs. For many years this has limited laboratory productivity, data management, and instrument control at Lancaster Laboratories. This means that each instrument has to be physically connected to a computer with a limited number of instrument connections. Lancaster Laboratories knew that as their laboratory network expanded, they must find an alternative.

They needed to find a solution that was designed to embrace the latest networking technologies. Communicating with their instrumentation via TCP IP, regardless of the connection ports installed on the instruments, was vital to overcome the current problems.

In short - to collect data and control instruments over their network rather than over analogue cable.

The Detailed List Of Requirements.

Once the project had been defined, Lancaster Laboratories decided on a list of important requirements for their new chromatography data system.

The system must manage the processes of downloading samples, acquisition, and data processing effectively.

The system must not be limited by traditional analog data channels but allow data acquisition digitally across the network.

This digital acquisition must be available regardless of whether the instrument natively supports TCP IP communication.

The system must offer security yet flexibility, allowing users to access data and control instruments from any workstation.

The system must support instrument control across a wide range of chromatography instruments.

The system must offer a single user interface regardless of the type of data acquisition and the type of instrumentation connected.

The system must have the capability of true client / server technology without the need for expensive proprietary hardware.

The system must support centralized security and system settings.

The Solution ~ Chrom Perfect Spirit

Justice Laboratory Software has a long history of supplying systems to Lancaster Laboratories. The company was established in 1988 and is now the leading independent supplier of chromatography data systems.

After evaluating many different products, it quickly became apparent to Lancaster Laboratories that Chrom Perfect Spirit from Justice Laboratory Software was the only system with the power, flexibility, connectivity, security and reliability that was needed to address their requirements completely. After many consultations a Chrom Perfect Spirit configuration was proposed which would address all of the customer's needs. The key highlights being

1. Network Connectivity.

Network connectivity was supported for all instruments, including legacy instrumentation with no available network connections. This was achieved by implementing a unique range of Chrom Perfect interfaces that connect to a variety of instrument outputs and convert the signal into the TCP/IP protocol required for network communication.

2. Instrument Control.

Instrument and autosampler control across a wide range of chromatographs is offered.

3. Improved Results & Data Quality.

Removing analog connections not only increases simplicity and reduces cabling, but allows much higher quality digital data to be collected from the instrument. Digital data acquisition offers significantly less noise and far greater dynamic range than analog signals. Lancaster Laboratories now enjoy vast improvements in the quality of their chromatography data. In many cases they can analyze and see peaks and components which were not displayed when the analog signal was collected.

4. Reducing Cabling.

The connection of instruments to the customer network significantly reduces the amount of cabling which must be run between the instrumentation and collection devices. In many cases a single network cable can be connected directly from the GC to the customer’s network port.

5. Centralised Security Auditing System.

At the heart of the Chrom Perfect client/server system is a comprehensive security management centre. This allows system administrators to define users and groups on a central server with unique privileges depending on the authorization level of the user. This centralized system can be easily maintained, updated and distributed across the entire organization.

6. Unique Client Server Technology.

While many data systems boast client/server implementations, they require a large investment in non-standard network hardware and complex relational databases. Lancaster Labs discovered that only Chrom Perfect allowed them to install a truly flexible system onto their existing PC and network hardware. As there is no requirements for complex and proprietary “equipment”, Chrom Perfect can be installed quickly and easily and on-going maintenance costs greatly reduced.

7. Open Yet Secure Network Structure.

Users are no longer required to go to specific PCs to view data acquisition. Using Chrom Perfect’s unique”acquisition server“ data channels are accessible from any PC on the company's network. Allowing users to manage, configure, download and monitor instrumentation with out leaving their desk – Even if the instrument is at a remote location!!

Project Success!

“I learned how to utilize the “Select Date Acquisition Server” feature to remotely reference an acquisition server. I can open multiple instances of the Client Software on one Acquisition computer. For example, one instance can acquire data on the running PC and another instance can reference another acquisition PC and acquire data there. This gives us the ability to reference any acquisition PCs on the network “

“…..to create and distribute the CPPath.cfg files to be able to go to any station where CP is installed, log on to CP as Administrator, launch the System manager program, and see the same settings"

“I am very satisfied with the Chrom Perfect® Spirit software, the technical support, and the recent user meeting. I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Tarik Peterson, Dennis O'Hare, Connie Hellyer, and George Schreiner for their help."

-Hisham O. Abdel-Karim , Lancaster Laboratories

“The project at Lancaster Laboratories is an excellent example of the changing times within our industry, and highlights companies’ frustration with chromatography instrument manufacturers and software developers.

Many companies have made a vast investment in chromatography instrumentation. However the instrument manufacturers are constantly removing support for older models, despite that these instruments are still functional and reliable. Our customers want to use their existing instruments but still embrace the latest network and Internet technologies.

Justice Laboratory Software only produces chromatography software systems, it is our prime focus to offer support for new, existing and legacy instrumentation. We offer our customers the unique opportunity to integrate their existing chromatography instruments within a modern networking system.

Our focus is offering cost-effective, secure chromatography data systems that will run on customer's existing hardware. In addition to instrumentation this extends to include networking, PC and IT infrastructures.

Many organizations are offended and insulted when manufacturers demand that they purchase nonstandard "chromatography servers" to run chromatography application software. These hugely overpriced computers offered no benefit to the customer and are often a support nightmare for support staff. Justice Laboratory Software understand that our customers have made significant investment in both chromatography and computing hardware, we are the only company that are helping customers to protect this investment while allowing them to still embrace the latest security, reliability and effectiveness offered by new technologies”

