7 new webinars to expand your research skills and knowledge

Gain insights on topics ranging from top pipetting techniques to immune cell therapies, microorganism detection and more

17 Sept 2021
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor

SelectScience® hosts dozens of informative and insightful free webinars for scientists every month, featuring world-class speakers at the very forefront of their respective fields. In this regular feature, we highlight the events you won't want to miss over the next week or so, as well as some of our top on-demand webinars.

Register now to save your spot and hear from experts as they discuss the latest research, techniques and technologies in their fields, from monitoring microorganisms in drinking water networks and digital lab transformation to whole-body super-resolution imaging, genome engineering and more.

MICROORGANISMS:Legionella testing in drinking water: Approach, evolution and new perspectives

Stefano Della Sala and Paola Miana, from VERITAS, will be exploring the different methods available for detecting Legionella in various water samples, including a protocol for monitoring these microorganisms in drinking water networks, and how to communicate results to managers of those networks.

Monday, September 20, at 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST / 13:30 IST / 16:00 CST

Register here

HPLC: How to increase productivity and reduce downtime

Join Marc Fuehrer, senior product manager at Agilent Technologies, as he explores the different barriers associated with HPLC productivity, and how to best overcome them using Agilent LC Supplies, and by applying regular system maintenance.

Monday, September 20, 11:00 BST / 12:00 CEST

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LAB ESSENTIALS: How to pipette correctly: An expert guide to techniques and best practices

Steve Beckett, from Thermo Fisher Scientific, will provide training and advice to help you improve your pipetting technique and advance your skills. Beckett will cover the fundamentals of pipetting techniques, including forward, reverse, and repetitive pipetting, what they are, when to use each technique and the effect on results.

Tuesday, September 20, 14:00 BST / 15:00 CEST / 09:00 EDT / 06:00 PDT

Register here

COMPLIANCE: Improve CMC productivity through digital lab transformation

In this webinar, discover a digital laboratory solution that enables cross-domain integration and real-time, consistent, synchronized and standardized information flow from R&D to manufacturing. Learn how your CMC teams can automate document creation and laboratory processes to simplify and speed up workflows.

Wednesday, September 22, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

Register here

CELL THERAPY: Hear from the experts developing immune cell therapies

This webinar is the first in our gene-modified cell therapy webinar series, produced in partnership with Sartorius. Three experts in the field of drug discovery and development share how they enable the development of immune cell therapies through cell characterization, including phenotyping and functional analysis.

Wednesday, September 22, 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST / 16:00 BST / 08:00 PDT

Register here

GENOME EDITING: Delivering the cells that matter: Accelerating genome engineering workflows through efficient single-cell cloning of human iPSCs

In this webinar, understand the critical parameters for successful genome engineering with an emphasis on efficient single-cell cloning of hiPSCs, find out how CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and subcloning workflows benefit from automation, and explore methods to ensure monoclonality.

Thursday, September 23, at 10:00 BST / 11:00 CEST / 05:00 EDT / 02:00PDT

Register here

MICROSCOPY: PICASSO and whole body-expansion microscopy for ultra-multiplexed imaging and whole-body super-resolution imaging

Dr. Jae-Byum Chang, from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), presents two state-of-the-art techniques that he has recently developed. The first technique is PICASSO, which enables greater than 10-color multiplexed imaging of specimens without any reference spectra measurements, even with microscopy equipped with emission filters. The second technique is whole-body expansion microscopy, which enables the super-resolution imaging of all anatomical structures of whole vertebrates, especially zebrafish larvae.

Friday, September 24, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

Register here

Catch up on these 5 on-demand webinars:

  • Identifying genome-wide targets of osmotic stress tolerance in E. coli using CRISPR-mediated forward engineering: During this webinar, learn how to design experimental methods for studying osmotic stress response in E. coli and create genome-wide libraries of up 25,000 edits, including knockout and promoter substitutions. Watch here»
  • Innovations in CRISPR advancing translational research: Explore the key requirements of CRISPR reagents for preclinical and translational research and understand the performance and quality characteristics of gene editing reagents that make them ideal for preclinical research. Watch here»
  • New opportunities in systems pharmacology: How to utilize metabolomics for cancer research: Dr. Mattia Zampieri, junior PI at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology of ETH, illustrates how technology enables them to study the role of aberrant transcriptional regulation in mediating cancer metabolic rewiring and how it can be applied to reveal drug mechanisms of action. Watch here>>
  • What is single-cell sequencing and why does it matter?: Single-cell sequencing enables scientists to uncover heterogeneity that bulk techniques overlook, bringing clarity, detail, and nuance to studies across a wide range of applications. With this overview from Dr. Nicole Abreu, you can start to explore the ways in which single-cell sequencing could transform your own research. Watch here»
  • Optimizing the human experience in the lab: Dr. Cheryl Moody Bartel, Director of Product Management at Thermo Fisher Scientific, looks at driving digital transformation through a human lens. Focusing on technological advancements, innovative solutions, and industry trends. Watch here>>

Have a conflicting schedule? Don't worry all SelectScience webinars are made available on demand, find out more here>>

