7 Ways to Make Your Laboratory More Effective Today!

Products, methods and application notes to optimize your laboratory workflow

23 Aug 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Discover products, methods and application notes to optimize your laboratory workflow

Whether you run 10 samples a day or 10,000, optimize your laboratory workflow and automate repetitive tasks to allow your staff to concentrate on other things.

1. APPLICATION NOTE: 10 Top Tips for Life Science Laboratory Efficiency Infographic

From setting out your bench correctly to choosing the right type of storage boxes, this infographic from Vitl Life Science Solutions sets out 10 simple tips to make your lab more efficient today. Through social media research, Vitl recently reported that around 30% of scientists would like more organization in their lab. Download infographic.

2. PRODUCT: Hamilton Robotics Introduces Workflow Application Solutions

From assay ready workstations to fully automated systems, Hamilton application solutions bring all the components of your workflow seamlessly together. These application solutions offer optimized workflows with "ready to go" templates that are easily modified by the user, resulting in quicker assay turnaround for faster results. In particular, the NGS STARlet is a compact, flexible and future-proof workstation for library preparation for all common sequencing platforms. Read more.

3. METHOD: Optimizing Pipetting Workflows in Regulated Laboratories

Pipettes are the workhorses of the laboratory, in use day in, day out, for long periods of time. But how much thought do you give to pipettes, tips and pipetting techniques? This white paper provides all of the different and necessary details that should be considered when aiming to optimize a workflow in a regulated laboratory. Download method.

Prior to automation, the lab staff manually spun samples and manually verified results. Automation brings calmness to the lab!


Vicki Parsons

University of Kansas Hospital

4. TOP LIST: Seven Automation Solutions to Improve Your Next Generation Sequencing Workflow

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a cutting–edge, high-throughput method that allows thousands of sequences to be processed at once. In this editorial article, learn how to optimize your NGS process through automation, allowing your laboratory to operate as efficiently as possible. Read more.

5. SOFTWARE: Enabling Fast Prototyping and Customization of Mass Spectrometer Control Software

This poster describes the use of the web-based MS control program "WREnS" (Waters Research Enabled Software) with Waters' new IMS-QToF instrument, Vion. WREnS is a web-based developer software kit, designed to provide the user with a faster and more flexible control and development architecture. This advanced control enables you to make the most efficient use of your time. Read more.

6. METHOD: Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis Using Teledyne Tekmar's AutoMate-Q40: An Automated Solution to QuEChERS

The QuEChERS (Quick-Easy-Cheap-Effective-Rugged-Safe) extraction method has been developed for the determination of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities and the rise in popularity of this technique and the increase in sample testing have driven the automation of the QuEChERS method to increase productivity and throughput. The Teledyne AutoMate-Q40 streamlines the QuEChERS method, from adding buffering salts and shaking and mixing, to centrifugating the sample, transferring to a dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) and delivering the extract. This application note aims to validate the performance of AutoMate-Q40 by monitoring various chemical residues in different matrices. Download method.

7. PRODUCT: Biomek® 4000 Laboratory Automation Workstation for NGS Sample Preparation

With Beckman Coulter’s Biomek liquid handlers, you'll spend less time on manual processes and more time on powerful discoveries. For small, medium and large-throughput laboratories, automate the most tedious NGS workflow steps including nucleic extraction, library construction, PCR/qPCR setup and PCR cleanup and normalization. Beckman Coulter’s library of NGS methods are written to maximize walk-away time, freeing time to work on other tasks. Learn more.

Have you used any of these products? Write a review today, and share your experiences with our global community of scientists.

