A Comprehensive Toolkit for Exosome Research

4 Apr 2018
Han Yin
Administrator / Office Personnel

AMSBIO has announced that its exosome product range now includes everything you need for studying and using exosomes, from isolation and characterization, to cargo profiling and engineering, and more.

Exosomes are small membrane vesicles with a size ranging from 40 to 100 nm. They are known to serve as functional mediators in cell interaction leading to cancer metastasis. Metastasis is a complex multistep process of cancer cell invasion, survival in blood vessels, attachment to and colonization of the host organ. Exosomes influence every step of this cascade and therefore represent a novel strategy for cancer therapy. For high-quality exosome isolation – AMSBIO offer the ExoQuick family of reagents for ultracentrifugation-free isolation, ExoMAX Opti Enhancer to provide a rapid, easy way to prepare samples for density gradient-based exosome isolation, or Exo-FLOW products for IP- and FACS-based exosome isolation. In addition, AMSBIO offers a range of products that easily detect the presence of exosomes with general and tissue-specific antibodies and arrays, as well as flow cytometry reagents that label exosomes.

When you need to quantify the exosomes you’ve isolated, AMSBIO offers a range of options that meet most needs. For the fastest and most sensitive antibody-based quantitation, the ExoELISA™-ULTRA CD63 kit provides outstanding sensitivity down to 1-200 µg protein equivalent—and a fast, 4-hour workflow. If you want even faster quantitation (20 minutes) that does not rely on antibody binding, the EXOCET™ kit provides direct measurement of the activity of a known exosomal protein, Acetylcholinesterase (AChE). FluoroCet is a more sensitive version of EXOCET that relies upon fluorescence-based quantitation.

Tracking exosomes and their cargo is made easily using AMSBIO Exosome labels that include ready-to-go Cyto-tracers, ExoGlow reagents, and XPACK lentivectors. If you are interested in characterizing exosomal RNA or proteins for biomarker profiling, AMSBIO also offers a range of intuitive, easy-to-use products. When you are ready to move from studying exosomes to using them as research tools, AMSBIO offers a complete suite of products for exosome engineering.

Do you use exosome products from AMSBIO in your laboratory? Write a review today for your chance to win $400 Amazon voucher.

