A Fully Integrated, Nanoscale Protein Assay and Analysis Solution

6 Jun 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

NanoInk’s® Nano BioDiscovery™ Division announced today the launch of a new instrument system for nanoscale protein analysis and discovery. Coupling powerful array deposition techniques with the latest generation of fluorescent detection technologies, the NanoArray Assay System™ is a user friendly, affordable desktop unit that can quickly and cost-effectively integrate into any proteomic lab. The platform is based on NanoInk’s patented, tip-based Dip Pen Nanolithography® (DPN®) technology, which can create highly reproducible protein arrays over millimeter areas with nanometer precision and then fluorescently image these nanoarrays at high resolution.

Components of the NanoArray Assay System include the NanoArrayer 3000™, the NanoScan 900 Scanner, and user-friendly software for flexible and precise array patterning and intuitive data acquisition and image analysis. When combined with NanoInk’s line of fully automatable proteomic assays, the NanoArray Assay System is a complete solution for the detection, identification, and quantitation of clinically relevant proteins from a wide variety of sample types.

According to Bruce Dudzik, vice president of the Nano BioDiscovery Division, “Other protein analysis platforms require large amounts of sample material and reagents. The NanoArray Assay System generates more data with just 2 μl of sample so that even low-abundance biomarker studies on rare and hard-to-collect samples (like rodent serum, spinal fluid, tissue extracts, tears and dried blood spots) are possible. And with femtofluidic liquid handling, the NanoArray Assay System delivers rapid reaction kinetics and lowers reagent volumes, reducing assay costs.”

The NanoArrayer 3000 is capable of depositing thousands of uniform protein features in the area
occupied by just one spot on a conventional protein microarray. This miniaturization and precision
enables high throughput protein analysis on a single slide. NanoArrayer 3000 arrays are also completely customizable. Multiplexed proteins can be patterned into each sub-array, and modified assay slides can be produced in 18, 48, and 96 sub-array formats.

By incorporating two extremely sensitive photomultipliers, the confocal NanoArray 900 Scanner detects fluorescence uniformly across the entire arrayed surface and delivers exceptional sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios. Miniaturized and multiplexed NanoArray Assay System assays achieve
femtograms/ml sensitivity with 2 μl of sample, comparable to or better than the sensitivities of ELISA
and bead-based assays that consume 50 μl of sample.

Please visit the company article page for more information on the NanoArray Assay System and other Nano BioDiscovery Division assay kits and contract services for nanoscale protein studies.

