
Gel Doc / Image Analysis

Gel documentation (gel doc) or gel imaging systems are used for the analysis of proteins, antibodies and nucleic acid immobilized in polyacrylamide or agarose gels, membranes or microarrays. Explore a range of a gel imaging systems, densitometers, scanners, transilluminators or UV lamp + CCD cameras for your image analysis solutions. Colorimetric, fluorescent and/or radioisotopic samples can be visualized and documented for further analysis. See gel doc / Image analysis software for quantitative 1D and 2D analysis of your samples. Find the best gel doc / image analysis products in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

Azure 600 Gel Imaging System

In sum, the Azure 600 is proving to be an invaluable asset to our lab, combining top-notch imaging and VERSATILITY with a user-friendly design. The Azure’s sales team has been nothing short of outstanding