A highly reproducible cell migration screening assay

17 Jun 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

amsbio has announced a new generation of novel two-dimensional cell-based assay kits developed for reproducibly screening test compounds that may stimulate or inhibit adherent cell migration.

The Oris™ Cell Migration Assay provides life scientists with a method that is more reliable, less labour intensive, allows for real-time imaging, and is amenable to high throughput and high content imaging instruments. Unlike traditional cell migration assays using a Boyden chamber device, there is no transmembrane or cell culture insert obstructing live images of the cells as they migrate.

Described in a new video (accesible by following the company article webpage link on the right hand side of the screen) the Oris™ Cell Migration Assay uses a multistep process that starts with the attachment (optional) of a detection mask to the bottom of the wells of the Oris™ 96-well assay microplate. A specially designed, cell seeding stopper fitted inside of each microplate well restricts cells from seeding into a central detection zone as cells are being dispensed. After cell attachment has occurred (4-28 hrs), the stoppers are removed, allowing cells to freely migrate into the detection zone of the wells. Cells can be labeled pre- or post-migration. Cells that have not migrated into the detection zone are blocked from view by the mask initially applied to the plate bottom. Migrated cells may then be analysed using a fluorescence plate reader. If analyzing the migrated cells using a microscope or high content imaging system, the detection mask need not be attached. Oris™ Cell Migration assays are available with tissue culture treated plates, Collagen I coated plates, Fibronectin coated plates, or a TriCoated version that contains all 3 surfaces.

Wound healing assays are normally performed using a scratch assay, which has high variability. The Oris™ Cell Migration Assay is an ideal alternative to the scratch assay since the cell seeding stoppers create a consistent detection zone to monitor 2-D closure allowing reproducible data to be collected. The Oris Assay gives researchers the option to take real time, video images of cell movement or to quantify cell migration using a fluorescent microplate reader. The Oris Cell Migration Assay format allows researchers to capture more data per well using a number of instrument platforms to monitor cell movement.

