A new, informative e-Newsletter for HPLC detection

21 Jun 2007

ESA Biosciences, a Magellan Biosciences company and leader in quality HPLC detection systems, announced that it has launched an information-based e-newsletter focused on electrochemical detection (ECD) and its applications.

Written by ESA's resident applications experts, The Femtogram is designed as a vehicle to disseminate useful tips and "how to" information about the implementation and application of HPLC electrochemical detection to a wide range of disciplines, including neurochemistry, oxidative metabolism, clinical diagnostics, and general analytical chemistry. The inaugural issue includes an interview with Wyeth, Inc. Principal Scientist, Dr. Chad Beyer, who discusses his ECD work in the Discovery Neuroscience unit at Wyeth in Pearl River, New York, USA.

Regular features in the new publication will include: ECD Innovations - A review of new products and/or innovative applications of ECD; In the Laboratory - An interview with a user of ECD describing how they have successfully implemented ECD in their laboratory; ESA Resources - Profiles of key people standing by at ESA Biosciences to support the use of ECD; Ask Dr. Bruce - A Q&A forum with an expert in ECD solving common ECD issues and Knowledge Links - Useful web addresses providing direct access to the extensive ESA Application and Technical Library.

ESA's Director of HPLC Marketing, Darwin Asa, PhD, remarked, "We see The Femtogram as a key source of information for both new and existing users of electrochemical detection. The body of knowledge accumulated about ECD here at ESA Biosciences over the years is quite extensive across a broad range of topics and techniques. Our customers also have valuable experience to share. We hope the e-newsletter will become a trusted resource to help users benefit from our collective expertise, and provide them with key information for the successful implementation and operation of their ECD systems."

