A New Ion Chromatography Line for Integrated Sample Preparation and Analysis

10 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Dionex Corporation releases three new compact, integrated Reagent-Free™ ion chromatography (RFIC™) systems that combine IC with electrolytic sample preparation (RFIC-ESP™).

All three systems can be equipped with optional 6- or 10-port valves to automate IC sample preparation, and support 2 mm and 4 mm chemistries without pump head changes. Optional column heaters and vacuum degassers provide highly reproducible retention times and integrated state-of-the-art conductivity detection and electrolytic suppression are standard features.

The Dionex ICS-2100 features the electrolytic eluent generation (RFIC-EG™) system that provides the highest chromatographic precision and enables powerful gradient separations with an isocratic dual-piston pump. The ICS-2100 is the first instrument offering RFIC-ESP for trace analysis down to part-per-trillion levels for anions and cations. The combination of a single pump and an integrated electrolytic water purifier provides outstanding results with an easy-to-use, mechanically simple system.

The Dionex ICS-1100 and Dionex ICS-1600 are the first fully integrated systems offering Eluent Regeneration (ER). These RFIC-ER™ systems deliver consistent chromatographic results for up to 28 days with a single preparation of eluent. The IC is always on and always ready to analyze the next sample, thus simplifying operation and reducing labor costs. Automated sample preparation techniques featured on these instruments include automated filtration, matrix removal, and analyte preconcentration.

A new autosampler with random access, online sample filtration, and full software control provides automatic sample loading. The new Chromeleon® 7 Chromatography Data System software, the new IC systems and the autosampler provide a complete, easy-to-use solution for automated routine water analysis for environmental, food safety, and water markets, and the power and semiconductor industries.

