A Year to Remember for SelectScience

20 Jan 2014
David Perrett
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SelectScience Opened Nominations for the Scientists’ Choice Awards
The Scientists' Choice Awards were launched in January. Scientists from around the world were given the opportunity to nominate their favourite products of 2012 and SelectScience members voted for their favorite products from the resulting shortlists. The 2013 Scientists' Choice Awards have just launched. Click here to nominate your favourite products of 2013.

ASCB 2012 in Review
After the successful American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting in December 2012, in San Francisco, USA, SelectScience offered a video review of the event. Other highlights included a Time Delay Integration Microscopy Imaging camera system from Thorlabs, the Fluoview FV1200 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope from Olympus and the IN Cell Analyzer 2200 from GE Healthcare.

The Horsemeat Scandal
As the presence of horsemeat in beef food products made headlines throughout Europe and damaged consumer confidence in both retailers and the food supply chain, SelectScience explored the science behind the scandal. Through interviews with leading food security and veterinary medicine scientists, we highlighted the problem of food authenticity and asked what the future implications of the scandal may be. To discover more about food security, look out for SelectScience's special feature on the issue later in 2014.

The Discovery of King Richard III
February saw the revelation that the remains of English King Richard III, who was killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, had been found under a car park in Leicester, UK. As the body was positively identified as that of the king, we asked Dr Turi King: what is the science behind the identification of King Richard III?

SelectScience's Pittcon Party
SelectScience celebrated its 15-year anniversary at Pittcon 2013, in Philadelphia, USA, with a party, held in conjunction with the SelectScience 2012 Scientists’ Choice Awards. The winners of the awards were presented with their trophies at the exciting event. The expo, held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center for the first time,was a huge success, with breaking stories such as the new Waters ACQUITY Advanced Polymer Chromatography™ (APC™) System, Bio-Rad introducing the NGC family of medium pressure modular chromatography systems for protein purification and Beckman Coulter Life Sciences introducing the DelsaMax family of products.

Environmental Special Feature
April saw the launch of SelectScience's three-month Environmental Special Feature. Throughout April, May and June, SelectScience interviewed leading scientists working in environmental nanotechnology and water analysis, and revealed the latest news on cutting-edge methods and technologies.

Cancer Special Feature
SelectScience's Cancer Special Feature was launched in May, offering interviews with scientists and application articles for the latest methods and techniques. Dr Sarah McClelland, of Cancer Research UK, discussed her work investigating chromosomal instability in cancer and Professor Warren Chan, from the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, revealed how he is designing nanoparticles to deliver drugs specifically to tumor sites.

SelectScience Attends the Opening of the New MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre
SelectScience was delighted to attend the official opening of the MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre in London, UK. Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, the centre delivers broad access to world-class capability in metabolic phenotyping. Prof. Jeremy Nicholson, Chair in Biological Chemistry and Head of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, introduced the new MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre and explained how the centre aims to harmonize international analytical procedures, develop next generation technologies and provide exceptional training to scientists around the world. Meanwhile, Frank J. Kelly, Professor of Environmental Health and Director of Analytical and Environmental Sciences at Kings College London, discussed how research into environmental impacts on disease development can be advanced at the MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre.

SelectScience Continues to Grow
As part of SelectScience's ambitious expansion plans, the company moved to new, larger offices just outside the historic city of Bath, UK. Contact us here.

By Royal Appointment
SelectScience made news around the world in July as company founders Louise and Arif Butt were among the first to officially congratulate the Queen on the royal birth or her great grandson, Prince George of Cambridge. Louise and Arif were at Buckingham Palace to receive the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. The UK’s Most Prestigious Business Award was granted to SelectScience in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement for International Trade. The event was held on the day after the birth of the royal baby, and Louise's meeting with the Queen was made public by the Her Majesty's press secretary, as the first conversation about the royal great-grandson propelled SelectScience to a global audience.

Live@ AACC
SelectScience reported live from Houston, Texas, for the AACC Clinical Lab Expo on July 30th-August 1st. More than 650 companies showcased brand new products at the event, and SelectScience was on hand to report live from the show floor with all the latest news and in-booth interviews.

Triple Celebration for SelectScience
It was party time in September as SelectScience celebrated three huge successes in 2013. The company moved to larger offices as part of its ambitious expansion plans, toasted the prestigious Queen's Award for Enterprise, and celebrated its 15-year anniversary.

ELRIG Drug Discovery
The SelectScience team headed to Manchester, UK, in September for the European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group (ELRIG) Drug Discovery exhibition. The show was hailed as Elrig's best ever event, and you can enjoy a video overview of the highlights here. The winner of the SelectScience Drug Discovery Scientists’ Choice Award was announced at the show, while Dr Peter Simpson of AstraZeneca discussed the new landscape of drug discovery in Europe and Berwyn Lloyd, of Beckman Coulter, revealed the new Beckman Coulter Biomek 4000 Liquid Handler.

The British Antarctic Survey and Climate Change
SelectScience visited the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge to interview Ice Core Analytical Scientist Dr Ailsa Benton about ice core analysis. The doctor discussed the challenges involved in drilling ice cores in Antarctica and how advanced analytical techniques, such as Fast Ion Chromatography and ICP-MS, are helping scientists to understand the patterns of climate change, in order to help predict future climates.

Brazil Special Feature Launched
October saw the launch of SelectScience's groundbreaking Science in Brazil Special Feature. This fascinating feature, packed with videos, news stories and application notes, stretched for eight weeks and reported on the innovative science, unique opportunities and the challenges for science in Brazil. One highlight was the interviews with Prof. Cameron, PI for the Lab of Protein Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who introduced the science of ‘Sportomics’: top-down research using ‘omics’, biochemical and hematological approaches, to understand cellular and systemic challenges in response to physical exercise. Also exciting was the interview with Prof Miguel J. Dabdoub, of the Laboratory for Development of Clean Technology at the University of Sao Paulo, who discussed his research focused on the chemistry of biofuels and interactions of biofuels within vehicles.

New Research Presented at Neuroscience 2013
SelectScience reviewed the research presented at Neuroscience 2013, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN). The research covered the impact of diet on cognitive brain function, new potential treatments for Multiple Sclerosis, and new findings about the role of epigenetics in memory storage. Read about these exciting developments and more here.

12 Reviews of Christmas
December saw scientists flock to SelectScience to review products thanks to the 12 Reviews of Christmas promotion. Members that left a valid product review were entered into a prize draw $100 Amazon voucher each day for the course of the promotion. And if you missed out, don't worry - you can still be in with a chance to win an iPad. All you have to do is submit a product review. You could win this great prize - and you'll help scientists like you make better purchasing decisions.

ASCB 2013
To end a wonderful 2013, SelectScience traveled to New Orleans, USA, for the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting to discover the new innovative technologies on display.

