Abel Bonded GC Columns launched in the UK by ARC Sciences

22 Jun 2009
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Abel Bonded GC columns use a new, proprietary deactivation process to provide totally inert, neutral silica for the production of GC columns. The inert surface provides better peak symmetry and resolution than in existing phases. These columns are available in very low bleed formats, allowing you to maximise efficiency, temperature range tolerance and life time as well as offering significant cost benefits. Abel bonded columns offer you a complete range of chemistries including Polysiloxane, Polyethylene Glycol and PLOTs.

Abel Bonded columns are fully QC’d and tested for bleed prior to shipment.

Key features include:

• Totally Inert Surface
• Complete Range of Stationery Phases
• Excellent Peak Shapes
• Low Cost
• Fully Quality Controlled

